Thursday, October 31, 2019
Children with special Needs( Disabilites) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Children with special Needs( Disabilites) - Essay Example It argues for the functional development approach in empowering these special children. It acknowledges the significant role of government in breakthroughs made in Special Education and which have had positive impact on the lives of special children. Statistics Let us begin by looking at the population (children with disabilities) that we are dealing with. According to World Health Organization, CITATION WEA11 \l 1033 the figures are as follows: 650 million people in the world are disabled; 80% of disabled people live in developing countries; 20% of the world’s poorest people are disabled, and tend to be regarded in their own communities as the most disadvantaged; 1 in every 10 children around the world copes with a disability; and. Only 2–3% of disabled children in poor countries go to school. Disability vs. Special Need The most accepted definition of â€Å"child with a disability†is found in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). CITATION WEA 11 \l 1033 A â€Å"child with a disability,†is a child whose educational performance must be adversely affected due to the disability. CITATION WEA11 \l 1033 IDEA is considered to be the cornerstone of special education, as it required public schools to provide "free appropriate public education" to students with a wide range of disabilities, including â€Å"physical handicaps, mental retardation, speech, vision and language problems, emotional and behavioral problems, and other learning disorders.†It also mandated that school districts provide such schooling in the "least restrictive environment"(LRE) possible. CITATION WEA11 \l 1033 In subsequent years, the term disability was applied to physical disability (such as paralysis, loss of limb, deafness), mental disability (such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder) or intellectual disability (such as a learning disability). Disabilities could be at birth or a result of an accident or disease. Disabilities c ould range from moderate to significant and can be temporary or permanent. CITATION WEA11 \l 1033 To many, disability and special need may have no significant difference. However, children with disabilities have suffered from exclusion or bear a stigma, simply by being labeled â€Å"child with disability. â€Å"Disabled people are typically shunned, isolated and stigmatized by their community. Families hide disabled children and exclude them from family and community activities.†CITATION WEA11 \l 1033 . What educators, psychologists, and governments have been trying to do is, first and foremost, to remove the stigma that comes with the term â€Å"disability,†secondly, to reorient individuals and communities to deal with these special children in a normal environment, and thirdly, to support and help empower them. To my mind, the term â€Å"children with needs†transcends barriers and demonstrates the progress in the field of Special Education. The term acknow ledges that a special child, like every child develops in a unique way, and will develop and interact with his environment at the appropriate level. With this understanding of typical child development, a child may have a special need when he or she has a delay in one or more
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Ecosystem Essay Example for Free
Ecosystem Essay In this paper, I will be sharing facts on the major structural and functional dynamics of the ecosystem of Tallgrass Pririe Preserve in Pawuska, Oklahoma. I will share information pertaining to how humans have affected biogeochemical cycles in this ecosystem and how knowledge about that ecosystems structure and function can help or has helped to develop plans for its management and restoration. This paper will reveal only a short synopsis of the many facts pertaining to this very nteresting ecosystem. The Tallgrass Prairie Preserve near Pawhuska, Oklahoma is the largest protected area of tallgrass prairie on Earth. It is one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. At the present time, it has been measured as spanning over 39,000 acres. The tallgrass prairie is a complex environment , filled with a rich diversity of various plants and animals. The 39,000-acres first began with an initial purchase of the historic Barnard Ranch of 29,000 acres in 1989 and is now anaged by the Nature Conservancy to be enjoyed as a scenic drive. If visitors and tourists want to take a good scenic drive, this is one that should be on the list. It begins and ends in Pawhuska and is about 50 miles long. This is a summary of the results of my assessment that compares the four consumption categories by biome. The first category that I will be summarizing is the cropland footprint. It is one of the most important land categories for supplying us with food. Of this category, it shows the land that is filled. In this category, the national average that is used is 29. 61% and my quiz shows that I use 20. 31% so I am below average on the use of cropland so there isnt a need for improvement or more that I need to do to help society in this area. This only measures the land use. Pasture land is grassland and pasture area used to raise animals for meat, hides, wool, and milk. In this area, the national average is 68. 02% and my measurement is 46. 18%. I do not show to be using any excessive amounts in this area. Marine ecological footprints MEFs) measure the marine ecosystem area appropriated by human populations to supply seafood and other marine products and services. In this area the quiz shows that the national average is 49. 33% and my usage is 33. 50%. I still show that I am not overusing in this area. The Forestland footprint shows the amount of forest that is needed to fulfill the demand for pulp, fuel wood, and timber products. In this area, the national usage is 99. 45% and I show that I am using 64. 95%. It looks like the things that I am doing to onserve in this area are being beneficial to the planets use of this resource. The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earths ecosystems. As I look at the results of my quiz, it is apparent to me that I am not at risk of being one that overuses the earths resources and that I am doing a good Job of helping the planet have a sufficient amount of resources for all of us.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Development of Four Year Old | Observational Study
Development of Four Year Old | Observational Study INTRODUCTION TO CHILD DEVELOPMENT Felicia Heong Shin Nin Yvonne Michelle a/p Stephen Das ( ) Ahmad Syazwan ( ) Acknowledgements This book is the result of research on 4 year old children development. The purpose of this book is to share the knowledge and experience collected in the period of time given. I was stimulated by the different milestones a child goes through while growing up and how to tell the difference between a child who is just taking his or her and one who has a true developmental delay. This book is intended for people to understand children’s behavior and guide them along the way.In preparation of this book, many have contributed many helpful comments and information both directly and indirectly, I would therefore like to say thank you to those who made it possible for me to study this subject more in-depth, theoretically as well as practically. There are also some individuals who I need to personally thank for their helpful assistance. A big thank you goes out to my lecturer, Miss Lee Wai Mun for her generous knowledge, research and experience, all of which have been of great importa nce in the writing process of this book. Finally, none of the people I have mentioned are to be held account for the final version you have in your hands. All of the content in this book is entirely my responsibility. But I hope that the information in this book will enlightened you and help you understand more about the developments of a child. Introduction Children grow in unique ways. While children develop at their own pace, every child should do certain tasks by a certain age and its impossible to tell exactly when a child will learn a given skill. Theres more to tracking a child’s development than logging height and weight as the process ofdevelopingfrom a baby into a child requires the achievement of manymilestonesin language, physical, social, emotional development, etc. Hence, developmental milestones give parents a general idea of the changes to expect as the child gets older. This book is about your four year old child. In the course of this year children are moving out of babyhood into childhood. They have rich imaginations, they may have strong fears, they love to play and they enjoy physical activity. They are beginning to be more comfortable spending some time away from their usual comfort zone. Sometimes they are timid about trying new things. Of course all four year olds are different and they may develop at different rates. Indeed, sometimes it’s a case of two steps forward and one step back, with children appearing to forget the things they once knew. Although it is difficult to define ‘normal’ development, there are some milestonesthat children can be expected to achieve. However, if you are worried about your childs development, or if they cant do things that they used to do for more than a short time, it is important to see a pediatrician or child health nurse. If there is anything wrong, getting in early will help. Otherwise it is good to know that your child is developing normally in his or her own special way. It is of utmost importance to remember that the milestones are approximate, not absolute. Each child develops at his or her own pace, and some stages may occur earlier or later this guidebook allows explanations of variations physical, cognitive, emotional, and social developmental milestones to be expected during the first year of life to gain insight into observing in children today and to preview what to look forward to in the years ahead. Chapter One: Cognitive Milestone Most children this age can speak clearly using more complex sentences and enjoy singing, rhyming, and making up words. They are energetic, silly, and, at times, rowdy and obnoxious. Children this age can also count ten or more objects and correctly name at least four colors and three shapes. They are able to recognize some letters and possibly write his or her name. Cognitive development, or the process of growth in intellectual abilities such as thinking, reasoning and understanding, is a major component of early childhood. According to the World Health Organization, early childhood is the most important phase of development throughout the lifespan. So games for cognitive development during early childhood are an effective way to help kids grow intellectually. Categorizing is the type of games that encourage sorting, matching and classifying and are excellent for cognitive development. Identifying colors is a necessary skill that people use every dayâ€â€for choosing which clothes to wear, reading signs, following traffic signalsand describing the surrounding world. This activity provides an interactive, colorful way for your preschooler to practice color recognition. It introduces children to this bright new world of colors using ordinary household objects such as buttons to group these objects into different sections and learn to recognize colors using a homemade egg carton sorter. Lesson Plan: Date: 10th April 2015 Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 35 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Name it, Sort it Materials: 3 Paper egg carton (half-dozen or full dozen), different brightly-colored buttons. Theme: Color Day Focus: (BM 2.0) Kemahiran Bertutur (PFK 1.0) Perkembangan Motor Halus (ST 2.0) Kemahiran Saintifik Standard Content: (BM 2.1) Berinteraksi dengan mesra (PFK 1.2) Melakukan kemahiran kordinasi mata tangan dalam perkembangan kemahiran motor halus. (ST 2.3) Membanding dan mengelaskan objek. Learning Standard: (BM 2.1.1) Berbual dengan sebutan perkataan yang betul. (PFK 1.2.5) Menggunakan jari untuk menguntai objek bersaiz besar dengan menggunakan tali besar. (ST 2.3.1) Membanding dan mengumpulkan objek-objek mengikut satu ciri: A.)Warna B.)Bentuk Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Color song Teacher would ask the children to sit on the floor in a circle. Teacher sings the color song and asks the children to sing and clap along. â€Å"Red, yellow, green and blue, green and blue, , Red, yellow, green and blue, Purple, orange, brown and black, Red, yellow, green and blue, green and blue.†-Tune of song is of, â€Å"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes†. Step 1 (5 minutes) Group name Teacher divides children into 3 groups, each group consisting of 5 children. Children are asks to name their group and come up front of the class to introduce their friends. Step 2 (5 minutes) Name the colors Teacher shows the painted egg carton to the children. Teacher distributes the egg carton to each group. Then, each group is to stand up and name all the colors painted on the egg carton. -Egg carton. Step 3 (10 minutes) Buttons Teacher gives out same amount of different color buttons to each group. Each child is then instructed to sort the buttons into the colors painted on the egg carton. Each child take turns to sort the buttons into the egg carton. -Buttons, egg carton. -The buttons distributed are the same colors painted on the egg carton. Step 4 (5 minutes) Sort and name it Teacher will asks the child to say the name the color of the buttons out loud as they sort it into the egg carton. Teacher will then pick one child from each group to come in front of the class and name the colors as they sort the buttons. -Buttons. Step 5 (5 minutes) Magic color box Children will be ask to sit into a big circle. Teacher will give the children a box. Inside the box is crayons of different colors. Children will sing the magic song, â€Å"Pass, pass, pass the color, This is the game we play! When the little song is through, The color name we’ll say.†The children will pass the box around singing the color song until the color stops. Once the song ends, the child that holds the box will put their hand into the box and take a crayon out. The child will tell the color of the crayon. Repeat the game until every child has at least play once. -Box filled with different colors of crayons. -Tune of song is of â€Å"Row, Row, Row Your Boat†Reflection: Children like the games and songs of the activity. Children paid attention to instructions. Children tend to throw buttons too hard in the egg carton or throw at their friends. In the future, use much bigger objects than buttons, such as sponges or straws. Chapter 2: Physical Milestone Chapter 3: Social/Emotional Milestone Chapter 4: Language Milestone Four year olds are now talking in simple sentences and there is so much going on inside their head that often it seems as though the words can’t come out fast enough to describe it all. They often stutter and stumble when trying to express themselves. It can be exhausting to listen and explain things to your child but exciting to be able to share in their rich imaginings. They love to be read to and may want the same book over and over again. Four year olds get across what they want to say in most situations. Some four year olds speak very clearly, while others still use some ‘baby talk’. Some may stumble over some words but this will probably clear up by itself within the year. The average four year old can understand 1000 or more words. Four year olds can usually understand ‘place’ words such as – under, on, beside, back, over. Four year olds ask questions beginning with ‘What’, ‘Who’, ‘Where’ and ‘Why’? They can talk about what happened yesterday and about tomorrow. You can build on what your four year old says to you. Don’t correct their unsuccessful efforts at words but respond positively with the correct word in your reply. Try to be patient. Ask them questions. Some children become such enthusiastic talkers that their constant ‘what’ can become irritating for parents. Most will respond to your request for you to have some quiet time from their questions – at least for a few minutes! Lesson Plan: Date: Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 40 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Shake and Name Materials: Laminated plastic, 3 plastic bottles, clean water, edible food coloring, waterproof marker, colorful beads and buttons. Theme: Words Focus: (BI 3.0) Reading Skills (ST 2.0) Kemahiran Saintifik (BI 4.0) Writing Skills Standard Content: (BI 3.2) Read simple words with understanding. (BI 3.3) Read phrases with understanding. (ST 2.1) Membuat pemerhatian ke atas objek dan fenomena alam di persekitaran. (BI 4.1) Pre-writing skills. Standard Learning: ( BI 3.2.2) Read simple words. (ST 2.1.4) Memerhati dan bercerita secara verbal tentang pemerhatian yang telah dibuat. (BI 3.3.1) Read simple phrases with guidance (e.g. sit down, red ball). (BI 4.1.1) Engage in activities requiring eye-hand coordination. Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Step 1 (10 minutes) Step 2 (5 minutes) Step 3 (5 minutes) Step 4 (5 minutes) Step 5 (5 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes) Reflection: Chapter 5: Math and Science Milestone Four-year-olds have an increased capacity for learning math concepts. They use logical reasoning to solve everyday problems, and can effectively use language to compare and describe objects and shapes. They can count to ten, recognize written numerals 0 to 9, and add and subtract using numbers up to four. Four-year-olds know some variations of a circle, square, triangle and rectangle. They know days of the week, months, and the seasons, but still cannot tell time. Children are naturally curious about the world and want to find out as much as they can. They want to know what makes the wind blow, how trees grow, why fish have fins, and where turtles go in the winter. But they don’t want adults to give them the answers. They want to be the discoverers, the experimenters, and the theory builders. They don’t want science to be something that is imparted to them; they want it to be something that they do. They want to be scientists; not just consumers of science. They want to ask their own questions, collect their own data, and arrive at new and wonderful ideas. These â€Å"wants†should shape the foundation of an early childhood science curriculum. If you’ve ever dripped food coloring into oil before, you’ll remember the beautiful, jewel-like drops of color floating separate in the oil. This is because oil and water truly don’t mix. If you shake them up, they emulsify, but eventually separate back into oil and water. This activity is to teach children about science but at the same time involves math. The ingredients are using edible ingredients, this makes them a safe science activity for children to make on their own! Lesson Plan: Date: Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 40 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Shake and Count Materials: Two plastic bottle, cooking oil, clean water, food coloring, oil-based coloring, a bamboo skewer, waterproof marker, Beads, Buttons, laminated plastic. Theme: Science and Math Focus: (ST 2.0) Kemahiran Saintifik (ST 7.0) Konsep Nombor (ST 4.0) Menyiasat Alam Bahan Standard Content: (ST 2.1) Membuat pemerhatian ke atas objek dan fenomena alam di persekitaran. (ST 7.1) Memahami nombor 1-10. (ST 4.1) Meneroka sifat umum bahan. Learning Standard: (ST 2.1.4) Memerhati dan bercerita secara verbal tentang pemerhatian yang telah dibuat. (ST 7.1.1) Menyebut nama nombor 1 hingga 10 (rote counting). (ST 7.1.2) Memadankan angka 1 hingga 10 dengan nama nombor secara lisan. (Contoh 2-dua) (ST 4.1.1) Memerhati dan mengumpulkan objek kepada yang tenggelam dan timbul. Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Counting beans Teacher divides children to three groups. Each group containing 5 children. Teacher takes out three bags filled with beans. The bags are then distributed to the children. In front of the classroom is a Step 1 (10 minutes) Step 2 (5 minutes) Step 3 (5 minutes) Step 4 (5 minutes) Step 5 (5 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes) Reflection: Chapter 6: Music Milestone Four-year-olds can identify changes in pitch, tempo, loudness and musical duration. They can sing songs of their own creation as well as memorized ones. Their art begins to be more realistic, and may incorporate letters. Four-year-olds love to dance, and are able to move rhythmically and smoothly. Their dramatic play is highly imaginative and now has the structure of specific scenarios, like going to the grocery store or rescuing a cat stuck in a tree. By now, 4 year olds can understand basic principles of tone, tempo, genre, pitch, etc. (e.g., can describe which songs are fast and slow or high and low). They can sing complex songs and play an instrument alone as well as with group (e.g., learns newly introduced songs by memory in a day or two). 4 year olds also can use music to reflect thoughts and feelings (e.g., starts buzzing like a bee while looking through a storybook on insects). If taught, children will regard music as a part of daily life (e.g., gets out mat for nap upon hearing soft music being played, puts away toys when clean-up song is sung). Lesson Plan: Date: Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 40 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Shake it Materials: Three teaspoons uncooked rice, dried beans, two empty diet shake cans or soda cans, clear packing tap, pencil, scissors, markers or stickers. Theme: Focus: Content Standard: Standard Learning: Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Step 1 (10 minutes) Step 2 (5 minutes) Step 3 (5 minutes) Step 4 (5 minutes) Step 5 (5 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes) Reflection: Put the rice in an empty diet shake can (soda cans dont last as long, but they will work for this project.) Remove the tab and seal the opening with clear packing tape. If you like, make your own cool label for the can. To make the label, cut a piece of paper nine inches long and four and one-half inches wide. Decorate the label with markers or stickers. Tape one side of the label to the can. Then make small rolls of tape and stick them between the label and the can. Wrap the label around the can so that the loose end overlaps the taped end, and tape down the loose end. Put dried beans in the other can, and make a decorated label for that one, too. Try using the rice can for a lighter sound and the bean can for a louder sound. Start shaking! Kids can turn office supplies into sound machines with the activity on the next page. Chapter 7: Art and Creativity Milestone By age 4, many children are learning to better control their hand and wrist movements. They are making forms and objects that are almost, but not quite, recognizable to adults. Circles, lines and crosses are always popular forms. Some 4 year olds may begin naming their drawings. In the middle of drawing, a child may look and say something like, This is a truck, or, This is Mommy. Naming artwork is a big step that shows the child has begun to think in terms of mental pictures. It doesn’t matter that the drawing has little or no resemblance to Mommy. What matters is that the child has discovered that drawing is more than just something physically fun to do. Gradually, some of these forms have taken shape and adults can identify them as people, houses, cars or whatever the young artist intended to draw. Typical drawings at this age are pictures of people consisting of large heads that appear to have arms and legs growing out of them. There is usually little evidence of relative size in these drawings. Tiny legs sprout out of huge heads. A drawing of a butterfly may be twice as big as a dog. Whatever is most important to the child at the time gets the biggest play on the page; what is not important may simply be left out. That’s why children may leave out fingers, necks or other body parts. It’s not that children don’t notice that people have fingers; it’s just that fingers are not important to them at the time they are drawing. During this stage, children may find colors very exciting. Children are not concerned with realistic color representations. They just like to use color. One child may make everything on the page red. Another may use every color in the box on one drawing. Child care providers should not require children to use certain colors or try to read any deep psychological meanings into a child’s choice of colors. Lesson Plan: Date: Time: 10.40 a.m.-11.20 a.m. Duration: 40 minutes Years: 4 years old Name of activity: Hand Paint Materials: Colorful paint, clean cloth, clean water, newspaper, paint brush Theme: Art and Creativity Focus: (KTI 1.0) Seni Visual (PFK 1.0) Perkembangan Motor Halus Content Standard: (KT 1.1) Menggunakan pengetahuan tentang bahan dan teknik dalam menghasilkan karya seni. (KTI 1.2) Menzahirkan idea kreatif dalam penghasilan karya. (Ekspresi kreatif) (KTI 1.3) Menunjukkan apresiasi seni. (PFK 1.0) Melakukan kemahiran motor halus. Standard Learning: (KTI 1.1.1) Mengenal bahan yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu karya contohnya berus dengan bimbingan guru. (KTI 1.2.4) Membuat corak dan rekaan yang mudah melalui pelbagai aktiviti. (KTI 1.3.1) Menceritakan dan mempamerkan hasil kerja sendiri. (PFK 1.1.3) Menggunakan tangan untuk meramas (mix). Procedure: Steps/ Time Content Activity Remarks/ Materials Set Induction (5 minutes) Step 1 (10 minutes) Step 2 (5 minutes) Step 3 (5 minutes) Step 4 (5 minutes) Step 5 (5 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes) Reflection:
Friday, October 25, 2019
Expanding Lives: My Teaching Philosophy :: Teachers Education Essays
Expanding Lives: My Teaching Philosophy Life progresses in front of our own eyes, sometimes without us noticing. The days go by, the nights grow dark and then it is morning. In the course of each passing day, countless opportunities arise, some of which we take on while others we ignore. Teaching and learning are two of these chances, two I feel upon which we should never pass. In order to ensure I am teaching and learning at nearly every prospect, I have always lived my life as if it is a coloring book. When I was a child, I scribbled on every page, leaving messy streaks of crayon and never staying in the lines. Time went by with elementary school, and I learned the importance of following rules and staying in the lines. As I grew older and entered high school, I decided it was time to strengthen the boundaries, solidifying each picture with clarity and neatness. But here I am, in college and at the completion of my Junior Professional Experienceâ€â€junior student teaching. How can my coloring book already be complete? It is not. Now it is time for me to go beyond the restraints, to color the world outside of each picture. By teaching and learning at every possibility, I will enrich not only my coloring book, but the pages of others as well. Teaching is not a simple task and it is not trouble-free, but I feel it is the most rewarding of all of life’s opportunities. I see teaching as a way of helping an individual expand. That expansion is not limited to knowledge, however. I want to expand a student’s mind, personality, understanding, worldview, and personal drive as well. If I help a student learn to read, that is teaching. If I assist a child in tying his shoe, that is teaching. If I practice with my brother while he works on his touchdown throw, that is teaching. If I make someone a better person, that is teaching in its most immaculate form. By expanding an individual’s ability to have an open mind and to accept people and their differences, I have made them a nobler person. If a student sits in my class all year with the literature and grammar going in one ear and out the other, but she still leaves with a better understanding of herself and a broadened scope of the world around her, I have succeeded in expanding her to some extent.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
1. Who benefits from the government policies to (a) promote production of ethanol and (b) place tariff barriers on imports of sugar cane? Who suffers as a result of these policies? ANS: Benefiters in promoting production of ethanol: -Corn producers. They get subsidies from the government and get a free way of marketing from the government. The government promotes consumption of ethanol, ethanol is produced out of corn, so indirect marketing for corn farmers that will get more demand out of policies that promote ethanol. -Ethanol sellers. -People all around the world. As to be seen in the direction of global warming, you can say that using ethanol is better. But using ethanol leads to increasing food prices. So there is a negative and a positive side. -Businesses. If farmers get subsidies from the government they can lower their price. If farmers lower their price, the production to produce ethanol becomes cheaper thus making ethanol cheaper. Businesses that use ethanol will have a cheaper price, reducing costs and increasing profits. -The Government. In a democratic society we are seeing right now that a lot of people go green. When going green the government is trying to let you know that he cares about the world and he wants to make it better. It is a win win situation because there are no people in our opinion that are opposed in going green, but they are a lot of followers and possible followers that support an environmental friendly world. Benefiters in placing tariff barriers on imports of sugar cane: -The Gove rnment. They get all the money out of these tariffs. Sufferers as a result of these policies: -Countries that produce sugar for a living. Profit goes dramatically down when talking about a 25 to 50% import tariff. -Countries that set import tariffs for sugar. Countries that produce sugar can have put import tariffs themselves as protection against the country that has an import tariff on them. And countries that produce sugar can consider other possibilities when exporting their product to another country. They can acknowledge that it is not in their best interest to produce products to a land where import tariffs are so ridiculously high. They can see other possible solutions. 2. One estimate suggests that if food prices rise by one third, they will reduce living standards in rich countries by about 3 percent, but in very poor ones by about 20 percent. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, unless policies change, cereal prices will rise by 10 to 20 percent by 2015, and the expansion of bio-fuel production could reduce calorie intake by 2 to 8 perc ent by 2020 in many of the world’s poorest nations. Should rich countries do anything about this potential problem? If so,what? ANS: Rich countries should not give any subsidies to the bio-fuel corn farmers. They should decrease import tariffs so that it can be cheaper for countries that produce sugar (and so they can make bio-fuel out of sugar) thus increasing the amount of sugar that countries can export. They should develop new ideas in how they can attack environmental changes through cost-effective ways. 3. The argument for giving subsidies to ethanol producers rests upon the assumption that ethanol results in lower CO2 emissions than gasoline and therefore benefits the environment. If we accept that global warming is a serious problem in itself, should we not be encouraging government to increase such subsidies? What are the arguments for and against doing so? On balance, what do you think is the best policy? ANS: When the government started to subsidies farmers who grow crops. So they could turn them into bio – fuels ( primarily corn and soy beans ). More farmers where now planting crops, because then they got subsidies from the government. It’s also very good for th e environment. But it also has a negative side. When more farmers where planting crops. There was an dramatic effect on the demand for corn and soy beans. It increased very fast that in 2007 the U.S was responsible for half the global increase for the demand on crops. But when this happened the high tariffs where shutting out producers of the product sugar cane. So they could compete with the other products because the prices were so high. And that’s very unfortunately because sugar cane is an more friendly environment material than crops and soy beans. I think the best policy is to reduce the high tariffs on the other products. Because the sugar cane is even more environment friendly. And isn’t that what it’s all about, reducing the global warming effect. So I think they should drop the high tariffs and introduce the sugar cane.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Cheaters essays
Cheaters essays The movie Cheaters was based on a true story about seven high school students and their professor Dr. Gerard Plecki who was involved in a cheating scandal after surprisingly winning the states Academic Decathlon. After the final victory the truth leaks out because one of the students was upset for not getting the credits he deserved. People who are left out often seek attention. In the movie Cheaters the character Irwin Flickas was one of the Academic Decathlon members until he was no longer one of the main contributors due to his inability to pay attention in class, even through he was the one who provided the team with the cheating. Later on Dr. Gerard Plecki advised Irwin to disguise himself as one of the judges for the speech contest. After the team won, Irwin was segregated from all the recognition and pride. Irwin felt betrayed by his team mates and was irritated for not receiving the acknowledgment and glory he worked so hard for. I can relate to the situation Irwin was in. Irwin feels unfair for what he had to go through. He spends the same amount of time and energy as every one else on the Decathlon team, now that the team had succeeded in winning due to Irwin contribution. Why should he be left out of the celebrations and recognitions? The explanation why Irwin is absent from all the commemorations was because Dr. Gerard Plecki didnt want Irwin to be exposed to the media for the reason that some students might recognize him from when he was disguised as one of the judges. By doing so Irwin felt more and more left out. What set him off is when the news media asked for a group shot of all the Decathlon members and Dr. Gerard Plecki didnt bother to mention Irwin. Irwin needed to tell some one before he exploded. When Irwin wrote his English essay he spilled everything out. Irwin wrote about how the Decathlon team got ahold of the test and how Dr. Gerard Plecki forced his students to chea ...
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