Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Inclusion or Exclusion in The Crucible Essay - 2359 Words
Much of The Crucible by Arthur Miller was about being part of a group. What is it to belong to a group? Is it really that simple when someone says, quot;Either youre with us or youre notquot;? Yes, it is that simple. Belonging and exclusion in any situation are two sides of the same coin - you cant have one without the other. In any organization or group, people are bound together by a community of interest, purpose or function and if you do not believe in these same things, then you are not a part of that group. In an organization or group, you have to ask yourself, quot;What is it to be a part of this particular group, what does it take to belong?quot; It takes following the rules of the group, agreeing with their purpose,†¦show more content†¦Traditionally, rules are set out for the members to follow. Generally, explicit rules are made in order for everyone to obviously and without question understand what is expected of them. Ideally, a clear list of what you can and can not do and what is acceptable and unacceptable in their organization should exist. Unfortunately these requirements are not all written down - implicit standards are always hiding in a group, whether they are talked of or not is up to the group. We usually call these implicit rules actual quot;normsquot; which are there to ensure that only the quot;properquot; people are involved in the group. Implicit details often provide secret exclusion for members that dont quot;belongquot;. quot;Some details are implicitly implied only because by exploiting these undercover rules, the image of the group is disturbed and the hypocrisy of the rule makers might be uncovered.(Johnson 37)quot; Without rules people might be able to act as they please which is not the purpose of a group. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Just as in society, with rules must come enforcers. There can be no expectations for people to follow the rules if there is no one to enforce the consequences. This is why authority and leadership are key points in keeping their sense of belonging in a group. It is well known that people tend to lose focus of what is important to them when no one is helping them along, thus the necessity for role expectations. Someone in a groupShow MoreRelatedThe Paradoxical Nature of Belonging Depicted in Arthur Millers The Crucible1318 Words  | 6 PagesIn Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, we are positioned to see belonging as paradoxical, in that the positive, human quality of belonging inevitably carries with it the negative and dangerous corollary of exclusion. By belonging, we are automatically excluding others and excluding ourselves from other groups. The Crucible achieves this complex presentation of belonging through a variety of interconnected techniques wh ich will be explored in this essay. 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