Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Free Essays - Angela’s Ashes :: Ashes
Angela’s Ashes  In Frank McCourt’s journal Angela’s Ashes, the association between tone, linguistic structure, and perspective consolidate to make a compelling parity of silliness and pathos.â This is appeared through the viewpoint of minimal Frank McCourt. Sometimes it is human instinct to attempt to cause a catastrophe to appear to be better than it is so as to go on with our lives.â Frank’s battle to make his circumstance as a poor, Catholic, Irish kid progressively tolerable, is shown through the positive tone, amazing language structure and innocent perspective. Amusingness and sentiment meet up when Frank takes bananas from the Italian, however later a similar Italian gives him a pack of fruit.â Frank realizes that he can’t purchase the bananas and he knows likewise the Italian won’t part with them seen when Frank says; â€Å" Italians are not known for parting with bananas†(p.35).â We can consider the to be in the robbery as the â€Å" twins drool and bite and spread bananas over their appearances, their hair, their clothes†(p.36).â The disaster is that the McCourt kids are poor and need to fall back on asking and taking to survive.â When the writer uses such words, for example, â€Å"slobber†(p.36), â€Å"little buddas†(p.36), he is attempting to make a horrendous circumstance increasingly tolerable and charming to the peruser.  When the McCourts are at their new home, fourteen days before Christmas, the youngsters get back home and locate the entire ground floor flooded.â They conclude that they will remain up steps, which they call â€Å"Italy†(p.118), and the first floor â€Å"Ireland†(p.118).â The funniness in this catastrophe is the house is so run down that water spills in and floods the bottom.â Instead of misery and griping about the house they move upstairs and make the best out of it and attempt to live normally.â The peruser should locate this entertaining from the manner in which the family discusses it, they attempt to make the circumstance progressively endurable by including a feeling of humor.â They leave the â€Å"Pope†(p.118) first floor on the grounds that Angela doesn’t â€Å" need him on the divider frowning at me in the bed†(p.118).â The grammar utilized is to cause the peruser to feel sorry for the family when the entire ground floo r is overwhelmed yet additionally the writer needs to make the peruser chuckle when the family chooses to help the circumstance by making a bold hallucination.  One of the more entertaining minutes is where Frank vomits up the host and his Grandmother says she â€Å" has God in her backyard†(p.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Life lessons
Life lessons Never do something permanently foolish just because you are temporarily upset. LilyWorrying is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere. Van Wilder The most beautiful thing is to see a person you love smiling. And even more beautiful is knowing you are the reason behind it. XOXOWork like you dont need the money, love like youve never been hurt and dance like no one is watching. Randall G LeightonIn three words I can sum up everything Ive learned about life: it goes on. Robert FrostThe true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. Ann LandersSometimes, when youre mad, you have the right to be mad, but you dont have the right to be cruel. Saphire007Dont be afraid of change. You may end up losing something good, but you will probably end up gaining something better. UnknownWhen one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has op ened for us. Alexander Graham BellYesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. Thats why its called the present. UnknownDont take life too seriously. Youll never get out of it alive. Elbert HubbardThroughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will consume you too. Will SmithDream as if youll live forever, live as if youll die today. James DeanNobody is perfect, and nobody deserves to be perfect. Nobody has it easy, everybody has issues. You never know what people are going through. So pause before you start judging, criticizing, or mocking others. Everybody is fighting their own unique war. SoulmanChoose the guy or girl who brings you to meet his or her parents, not his or her bedroom. MaryannThe best thing in life is finding someone who knows about all your flaws and still thinks youre completely amazing. ShellyStand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing a lone. YeahyeahIf you dont like something, change it. If you cant change it, change the way you think about it. MichelleWhile youre busy looking for the perfect person, youll probably miss the imperfect person who could make you perfectly happy. LuluThe most painful and worst possible types of goodbyes are the ones that are never said, or never explained. NickCrying doesnt indicate that youre weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that youre alive. DeeYou don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there. Jonny123Making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. Start small. Start now. PammySomeone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be you. Uncle.DSometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly. StevenODont say you dont have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vin ci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. SoxyGiving up and moving on are two very different things. ChrisA silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart. Timmy JimLetting go is not forgetting, it’s remembering without fear. RogerDeath leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. UnknownThroughout your lifetime, the most difficult choice you will ever have to make is deciding whether you should let go, or hold on a little longer. AngelWe meet no ordinary people in our lives. If you give them a chance, everyone has something amazing to offer.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Career overview Retention Specialist †Counselor 2019
Graduation rates at colleges and universities are a big deal. Many times funding is contingent on how well students do in terms of degree completion. To increase graduation and retention rates, many colleges and universities are employing individuals who specialize in retention and graduation strategies to help students make it through school. Below we take a look at the career path. Retention specialists are often found at schools who serve populations that typically have difficulty graduating. These populations include first generation, minority and disabled students. These populations have social, cultural, class and socioeconomic barriers that many other students do not face. The retention specialist is responsible for creating and delivering services designed to help students succeed. They often work with students in a one-on-one or group setting discussing thinks such as study skills, graduation requirements and other student development topics. These individuals also make referrals to other departments that deliver services that the student may need. They often know a lot about financial aid, course offerings, student services, disability services, and special programs. .ue7f9bcee182c820c879c5015c0640c5d { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .ue7f9bcee182c820c879c5015c0640c5d:active, .ue7f9bcee182c820c879c5015c0640c5d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .ue7f9bcee182c820c879c5015c0640c5d { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .ue7f9bcee182c820c879c5015c0640c5d .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .ue7f9bcee182c820c879c5015c0640c5d .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .ue7f9bcee182c820c879c5015c0640c5d:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Kentucky Colleges and Universities Pursuing Online and Campus-based Education in Kentucky, the Bluegrass StateDepending on the position, the retention specialist may engage in non-academic or personal counseling. These types of positions require the employee to have the right credentials which commonly includes being a licensed mental health counselor. Career outlook Retention specialist careers are expected to grow at a faster than average pace through the next decade. They are listed under a variety of career titles including academic counselor, retention counselor, retention advisor, educational planner, academic advisor, or academic coach. The average salary for a retention specialist is approximately $45,000 per year. This salary is the medium for all professionals including new, mid-career and very experienced individuals. The educational requirement varies by institution. The individual is typically required to hold a bachelors degree or a masters degree in education, student development, communications, or the like. They typically must have at least two years of experience working in higher education. .udb0d13058736216f8251ebac1e88e2c5 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .udb0d13058736216f8251ebac1e88e2c5:active, .udb0d13058736216f8251ebac1e88e2c5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .udb0d13058736216f8251ebac1e88e2c5 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .udb0d13058736216f8251ebac1e88e2c5 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .udb0d13058736216f8251ebac1e88e2c5 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .udb0d13058736216f8251ebac1e88e2c5:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ The Highest Ranked Small Business Accounting SoftwareRetention specialists often work for special grant programs that serve underrepresented groups such as ethnic minorities, first generation students and students with disabilities. It is very important for the individual to have an appreciation for others with diverse backgrounds. Retention specialists can be found at community college and four year institutions. Depending on their education, they may teach student development courses as part of their work load. If you enjoy helping diverse students as well as working in higher education, this may be the career for you. Interested students should study student development, education, counseling, or communications. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Inclusion or Exclusion in The Crucible Essay - 2359 Words
Much of The Crucible by Arthur Miller was about being part of a group. What is it to belong to a group? Is it really that simple when someone says, quot;Either youre with us or youre notquot;? Yes, it is that simple. Belonging and exclusion in any situation are two sides of the same coin - you cant have one without the other. In any organization or group, people are bound together by a community of interest, purpose or function and if you do not believe in these same things, then you are not a part of that group. In an organization or group, you have to ask yourself, quot;What is it to be a part of this particular group, what does it take to belong?quot; It takes following the rules of the group, agreeing with their purpose,†¦show more content†¦Traditionally, rules are set out for the members to follow. Generally, explicit rules are made in order for everyone to obviously and without question understand what is expected of them. Ideally, a clear list of what you can and can not do and what is acceptable and unacceptable in their organization should exist. Unfortunately these requirements are not all written down - implicit standards are always hiding in a group, whether they are talked of or not is up to the group. We usually call these implicit rules actual quot;normsquot; which are there to ensure that only the quot;properquot; people are involved in the group. Implicit details often provide secret exclusion for members that dont quot;belongquot;. quot;Some details are implicitly implied only because by exploiting these undercover rules, the image of the group is disturbed and the hypocrisy of the rule makers might be uncovered.(Johnson 37)quot; Without rules people might be able to act as they please which is not the purpose of a group. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Just as in society, with rules must come enforcers. There can be no expectations for people to follow the rules if there is no one to enforce the consequences. This is why authority and leadership are key points in keeping their sense of belonging in a group. It is well known that people tend to lose focus of what is important to them when no one is helping them along, thus the necessity for role expectations. Someone in a groupShow MoreRelatedThe Paradoxical Nature of Belonging Depicted in Arthur Millers The Crucible1318 Words  | 6 PagesIn Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, we are positioned to see belonging as paradoxical, in that the positive, human quality of belonging inevitably carries with it the negative and dangerous corollary of exclusion. By belonging, we are automatically excluding others and excluding ourselves from other groups. The Crucible achieves this complex presentation of belonging through a variety of interconnected techniques wh ich will be explored in this essay. 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Apollo Theatre free essay sample
Harlem is known worldwide as a major African- American cultural and business neighborhood. It wasnt always the Harlem we know today. Harlem didnt become an African American neighborhood until the Great Migration. During the first decade of the 20th century, Growing unemployment and Increasing racial violence encouraged blacks to leave the south. The way they came up north was by working for northern manufacturers who had recruited the southern black workers to fill factory Jobs. So from 1910 to 1930 between 1. Million and 2 million African Americans left the South for the Industrial cities of the North. By 1930 more than 200,000 blacks had moved to New York. As black communities In Northern ties grew, black working people became the patrons for an expanding black professional and business class, gaining in political and economic power. As more and more educated and socially conscious blacks settled in New Works neighborhood of Harlem, It developed Into the political and cultural center of black America. During the sass a Jose 2 new political agenda advocating racial equality arose In the African American community, particularly in its growing middle class. A black middle class had developed by the turn of the century, fostered by increased education and employment opportunities. There was something emerging In the midst of social and Intellectual up rise In the African American community In the early 20th century. Harlem Renaissance was the name of the African American cultural movement of the sass and early sass that was centered in the Harlem.The Apollo Theater has been the most lasting legacy of the Harlem Renaissance. The Apollo grew to prominence during the Harlem Renaissance of the pre-World War II years. By the time the Apollo had open Its doors the Harlem Renaissance was coming to a close. The Apollo Theater that we know today didnt start out that way. It began as a all white music hall and burlesque theatre. It gained fame a Hurting and Seamans Burlesque In the twenties and early thirties. The 1 25th street Apollo Theater TLD open until January 1934.This Is when they started showcasing black entertainment. The Apollo theatre was originally owned by Sidney Cohen. After Sydney S. Cones death, Morris Susann and Frank Coffman got together. Coffman ran the Harlem I OFF credited with guiding the Apollo Theater to greatness. Chiffons motivation for featuring black talent and entertainment was not only because the neighborhood ad become black over a two hundred year period of gradual migration, but because black entertainers were cheaper to hire, and Coffman could offer quality shows for reasonable rates.For many years Apollo was the only theater in New York City to hire black talent. Jose 3 With black performers as the main entertainment in the Apollo came an important facet of American life that has been dominated by blacks. That is Jazz. In Jazz the black man stands supreme. The products of his creative energies are sought after by musicians and listeners of every background. Jazz didnt start in the Apollo theatre. It didnt start in Harlem either. The roots of Jazz lie deep in the history of New Orleans, Kansas City, Chicago, and New York.The true ancestral roots are buried even deep in the music traditions of West Africa and Latin countries. But the Apollo was one of the places that provided a home and a receptive atmosphere in which Jazz practitioners felt at ease, where their art could thrive and flourish. Although Jazz was a true American genre of music it was formerly held in relatively low class by certain intellectual. Many believe the reason for the low appraisal of Jazz value was made cause most of the Jazz practitioners were black and the critics were white. Although the Apollo Theater was essentially a black theater, the main interest was always in quality rather than color. Even though Jazz was predominantly the creation of black musicians, the amount of interracial Jazz was relatively small thought the history of early Jazz. It wasnt because of discrimination from the performers but rather the performers were keeping up with the climate of the times. Many white musicians were accepted with respect and affection by Apollo audience. The first show was called Jazz a la Carte.All the proceeds of this show were donated to the Harlem Childrens Fresh Air Fund. Since then the Apollo Theater is known for starting careers of many music pioneers. In 1934, it introduced its regular Amateur Night shows. Billing itself as a place where stars are born and legends are made, the Apollo became famous for launching the careers of artists such as Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, James Brown, Diana Ross The Supremes, Gladys Knight The Pips, The Jackson 5, Patti Label, Marvin Gay, Luther Jose 4Vandals, Steve Wonder, Earth Franklin, Ben E. King, Maria Carrey, The Sisley Brothers, Lauren Hill, and Sarah Vaughan. The Apollo also featured the performances of old-time vaudeville favorites like Tim Moore, Stein Fetch, Godlier Cambridge, Dewey Pigment Markham, Moms Emblem, Marshall Garbage Rogers, and Johnny Lee. The Apollo didnt only make careers but they also had big name artist. By the mid- thirties, the era of the big band was in full swing. Of all the personalities we ever played at the Apollo, none were as vibrant as Fats Waller. There was never any question about Fats playing the Apollo. It was a semi-annual engagement, which he never missed. The Luis Russell Band was a band that was put together to showcase Louis, who had left the band by then. They band did include clarinetist Barney Bigger, who later starred with Longtime; Big Side Cattle, who also played with Hines, on drums; and trumpeter Henry Red Allen. Duke Longtime and Louis Armstrong are probably two of the most influential men in the history of Jazz. Louis Armstrong played with them all because they all wanted to play with the master.In 1949, Louis and in an Apollo show included such legendary fugues as trombonist and vocalist Jack Degrade, drummer Cozy Cole, clarinetist Barney Bigger, pianist Earl Hines, and bassist Ravel Shaw. A Jazz lover could only be at awe at this line up. Louis influences everyone, even the singers. Billie Holiday once spoke about how she wanted to sing exactly as Louis played his horn. The fun-loving genius had vocal trick of finishing his songs with Oh Yeah. In 1939 Duke Longtime played the Apollo. He had played there and at the Harlem Opera House and the Lafayette and, of course, was legendary figure at the old Cotton Club.He played the Apollo again, again, and again. He was one of the Jose 5 giants and one of the transcending figures in Jazz history. You cant talk about Duke Longtime musical genius without talking about the incredible number of compositions that he penned. Probably in the whole history of music no one has composed more songs the Longtime. There is said to be over two thousand songs. Women were also very popular in the Apollo Theater. Most of the women were singers, the major exceptions being pianists Mary Lou Williams and Hazel Scott. They were the International Sweethearts of Rhythm. Another talented Jazzmen was Balance Galloway, sister of Cab Galloway. Although she frequently copied Cabs style as a leader, she was a serious musician. Later Balance ran a club in Washington and brought us Ruth Brown, who became a major Apollo attraction. In addition to introducing a vast number of rising stars, the Apollo quickly became a vital stop for any black entertainer, and virtually every major African American musical act performed there at least once as did several white acts, who often were booked because they were assumed to be black.The management maintained a logic of alternating live stage shows with B movies. The Apollo was the pinnacle of the classic circuit of venues including the Regal Theater in Chicago and the Howard Theater in Washington, D. C. That catered to African American audiences. As a show of respect for its legacy, the building was left untouched during the riots of the sass. In 1977 the shows were discontinued, and the theatre was operated as a movie theatre. A year later the building was closed. Purchased by investors in 1981, the Apollo received landmark status in 1983, was renovated, and was reopened to the public in 1985.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Jack Jenkins Essays - Chains, Historical Fiction, Slavery, Injustice
Jack Jenkins Mrs. Collister English 10 25 August 2015 Chains by: Laurie Halse Anderson The story started off at the funeral of Ruth and Isabel's owner, Mary Finch. Due to Ms. Finch passing away, her brother takes ownership over Ruth and Isabel and sells them to a rich couple of merchants from Britain named Anne and Elihu Lockton. The Lockton's are very mean and stubborn. Anne Lockton is very strict and demands Ruth and Isabel to call her Madam. Ruth and Isabel are treated very badly when they are working for the Lockton's. Isabel meets a boy on the ship named Curzon, but he is a Patriot. At this time America is fighting for independence from Britain. Isabel now tries to help the Bellingham's by spilling secrets that she overheard the Lockton's talking about, so this can help the Bellingham's gain freedom. Isabel now is trying to escape, so she is trying every trick she can think of to leave the Lockton's. Isabel ends up sneaking Curzon out of a prison cell and they both row out of New York to Jersey. They finally freed themselves from slavery. Reading this book, I learned that the main characters of this book were treated as if they weren't even humans and they were not cared for by anyone. They were taught to work and receive nothing back. That was there culture, and that's how they lived. Isabel and Ruth's owner that cared for them died, so they had to get sold to an even worse situation with the Lockton's. Mary Finch, Ruth and Isabel's original owner, planned on freeing them from slavery. The culture back in this time period involved using slaves as a way from maintaining their property. Also, the point of the war that was going on was to gain freedom for their country, but the slaves wouldn't gain freedom with them. This differs from culture today because slavery is illegal and now you have the same freedom as anybody else regardless of skin color, race, family, or money. Slaves were almost not even considered as humans back in the time period of Chains . Now in America, everybody is equal and embraced equally. My favorite character of this story was definitely Isabel because she was very emotionally strong and she was also very cunning. Isabel stayed strong regardless of how badly she was treated. She was a team player and she did everything in her power to find a way out of slavery, and she did. She was so smart to disguise herself as a cell cleaner that she was able to take Curzon with her to leave New York and free them from slavery. She had a plan and she sought out everything she was going to do before she even did it. I would recommend this boom to next year's sophomores only because I am not a great reader and I truly dislike reading, but this book was very interesting and I really enjoyed reading it. This story had a great description of how life was for the slaves. If you wait for the story to get started, you will definitely like this book.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Catharisis in Oedipus the king and Medea Essays
Catharisis in Oedipus the king and Medea Essays Catharisis in Oedipus the king and Medea Essay Catharisis in Oedipus the king and Medea Essay Essay Topic: Medea Catharsis refers to a purgation or purification of the emotions of the audience by art. According to Aristotle, it is applied to a tragedy which can produce in the audience purgation of fear and pity and then gives a heightened understanding of the ways of gods and men. In both plays, Catharsis allows the dramatists to raise the prevailing themes as well as fully express their perceptions toward the society. In Euripides Made, the woman with magic was taken back to a civilized society. However, Made notionally suffered as her husband, Jason, betrayed her. Since she is the woman, the outcast, and the foreigner, in a new environment, barely did she own her right to voice for herself. Having nowhere to turn to, she had a quarrel with Jason and planned her plot against him to revenge. She decided to murder the princess of Corinth and their sons, and eventually she succeeded, leaving the play ending in disorder. Now, the audience would not feel frightened because of the employment of Catharsis. Euripides projects the inequality of sex and attacks the Greek masculinity, but unlike Homers epic, the unspeakable violence attributes to the long-term oppression and pent-up. In Oedipus the King, Oedipus determined to leave his country in prevention of the fulfillment of the oracle. He was said to murder his own father and marry his own mother. Even so, he had an argument on his way of wandering, lost his temper, and killed an old man he met in a rage. The old man happens to be his father. After the incident, Oedipus managed to defeat the monster, Sphinx, by answering her puzzle. Thus, Oedipus became the legitimate king and marry the queen. Audience are bake tit fully participate in process of his downfall. The playwright, Sophocles, intends to address the playing fate as well as their Harriet (tragic flaw) when Jotas attempted to comfort Oedipus that oracle could be sometimes misinterpreted. Her ignorance to the oracle leads him to realize his identity. Likewise, Oedipus has a free will. He should be responsible for his deeds. Throughout the entire play, audience can attach the function of catharsis to the main theme: sight. It expounds that what we see might not be absolutely self- evident. There could be something beyond our capacity of understanding. In the ancient Greek theater, many devices are used in help of enabling the dramatists to deliver messages. Catharsis plays a critical role to Greek tragedy because it has a therapeutic effect on the audience. In other words, it purifies the disquieting the emotions of our daily life.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Working at Home and Workplace Productivity
Working at Home and Workplace Productivity Working at Home and Workplace Productivity Working at Home and Workplace Productivity By Mark Nichol The recent news that Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is banning employees from working at home has caused a flurry of commentary in the media and among workers in the Internet industry. One aspect of the issue is how such a decision affects content producers. Banning telecommuting is a heavy-handed strategy. The rationale for the policy change, according to a leaked Yahoo memo, is that the company needs employees to be available to collaborate with colleagues in person, but the irony in this statement from an Internet company is delicious. Commentators have debated the wisdom of Yahoo’s approach, some arguing that telecommuting encourages slacking and others insisting that it boosts productivity. The truth, as is often the case, is somewhere in between. At my last job before my current freelancing stint, I worked for a company that allowed most employees to work from home one day a week until management decided that it wasn’t working out. The implicit reason was that some people were abusing the privilege, staying home and not getting much work done. In my case, what had been my most productive workday became just like any other, punctuated with interruptions and distractions and noisy coworkers. Fortunately, the privilege was reinstated after a while, during which interval managers presumably were encouraged to keep closer tabs on the employees who reported to them. It is this point that any company considering whether to introduce or retain telecommuting should keep in mind: Some employees will game the system whether they’re working on site or at home. Also, it’s disingenuous to use the excuse about the necessity of working in physical proximity with colleagues when much of one’s work is solitary or involves communication with people at other company locations or other businesses. There’s also another issue, one that makes this topic relevant to a site called Daily Writing Tips. Many employees do a significant amount of writing or editing even if their employer is not a publishing or communications company, and telecommuting gives them an opportunity to produce content in an environment with fewer distractions than the workplace offers. I have worked at several companies where coworkers whose responsibilities entailed little or no composing of content played music, talked loudly or incessantly, and otherwise made it difficult for me to do what I was being paid to do. If this predicament sounds familiar to you, and even minimal telecommuting is not part of company policy, consider these possibilities: 1. Ask your manager to try to accommodate your need to work with minimal distractions, if only occasionally. If you cannot be relocated to a quieter workspace, perhaps you can at least sit somewhere else a vacant office, a seldom-used conference room from time to time, as when you need to draft an important report or produce some other significant amount of text. 2. Request the option to work on an offset schedule (starting very early in the morning or ending later at night) so that you have a couple of hours at the beginning or end of the day during which few, if any, other people are in your work area. 3. Ask your manager to monitor noise in the work area and follow up with reminders to employees to minimize sounds and distractions, including telephone conversations and ask him or her to ban use of phones’ speaker functions. (And if people are allowed to listen to music at their desks, ask that they be required to use headphones.) Supervisors who have their own offices are often unaware of excessive noise (especially when certain workers suddenly become subdued and intent on their work when a manager appears), and they may need to be nudged to address the problem. 4. Suggest a policy that any conversation that takes more than a moment must take place in a meeting room or another area, because trying to write while the person seated next to you discusses a job-related problem (or a recent vacation) with a visiting colleague for half an hour is half an hour of your workday wasted. 5. Ask to be allowed to telecommute one or two days a week on a trial basis, suggesting that you and your manager agree on baseline productivity expectations. If your request is granted, make sure that you significantly exceed those benchmarks. You may hesitate to make such suggestions, concerned that you will be viewed as a troublemaker, but emphasize the improved productivity and morale that will result for all, not just for you, if such policies are implemented. Your success, of course, will also depend on your manager’s competence and on the company culture. Consider, too, asking for support from your colleagues (most, if not all, of whom are likely to sympathize and to agree that a quieter work environment would be beneficial). Finally, determine to go to your manager’s superior or to your company’s human resources director if your immediate supervisor does not resolve the issue. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. FurtherWriting the CenturySit vs. Set
Thursday, February 13, 2020
IT Infrastructure and IT Sourcing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
IT Infrastructure and IT Sourcing - Case Study Example has been operating since 2001. The main service provided by Anime International is an online retailer of Japanese Animation related products to customers worldwide from orders placed online at Products distributed include: Dvds and Music; Manga and Books; Toys and Figures; Art Work; Cards and Games; and other merchandise such as accessories, calendars and even kitchenware. The company sells over 10,000 diverse products in the anime genre. Anime International caters to the multimedia consumer, offering specialised downloads such as wallpapers and avatars (used in Internet forums, emails and online gaming). This diversity in product, design and orientation allows Anime International to offer consumers a wide variety of the most popular anime titles through E-commerce purchases. Operating largely as a business-to-consumer (B2C) online retailer, Anime International forms a part of the supply chain in the growing Japanese animation merchandising industry, typically second or third tier. IT Infrastructure and IT sourcing is a strategic issue for the growth and expansion of the Anime International in this competitive global market scenario. ... This diversity in product, design and orientation allows Anime International to offer consumers a wide variety of the most popular anime titles through E-commerce purchases. Operating largely as a business-to-consumer (B2C) online retailer, Anime International forms a part of the supply chain in the growing Japanese animation merchandising industry, typically second or third tier. IT Infrastructure and IT sourcing is a strategic issue for the growth and expansion of the Anime International in this competitive global market scenario. A comprehensive and appropriate strategic initiative at the right time can be very valuable for the business performance of the company. It is very necessary in the context of Anime International to maintain a standardized infrastructure and balanced IT sourcing strategy. This would ascertain the efficiency and the effectiveness of the company in this competitive world. There is also need for well managed and adaptable infrastructure which provides push for strategic goals, organizational competitiveness and overall performance of the company. The strategic decision to allocate funds and encourage development of IT infrastructure and IT sourcing will add great value to the existing business of Anime International. In this paper I am going to examine the positive potential benefits which can be estimated under extensive study of th e role of IT infrastructure and IT sourcing, under well planned and calculated scientific methodology to assess the performance level of Anime Inc. the findings are based on case study based on questionnaire approach and qualitative analysis. Topic 1-IT Infrastructure: The IT consideration needs to take fresh approach with regard to infrastructure in evolving a strategic
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Reflection on assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reflection on 1 - Assignment Example And so it will be for our case study scenario. Knowledge management is generally a form of implementation expertise-centered management that focuses upon working with human expertise so as to achieve the strategized business advantages, Broadbent, M. (1988). An illustrative diagram of the knowledge management protocols that should be implemented in any organization for effectiveness in information sharing and better communication between organizations’ managers and other staffs members of the organization is shown below. As shown in the above diagram, the cycle of knowledge management system is continuous; capturing management of information flows, capturing of organizational learning exercises, leveraging the organizational knowledge base and working on sustainable business value of the organization at large, Boynton, A. (1996). ... ch team member of the working force with general/ whole experiences of the organization/ company, organized in the provided knowledge management system to enable for quicker, consistent and confidentiality in the handling of the organizations’ operational and managerial tasks. This therefore means that knowledge management helps to avoid reworks which are known to the managements as costly and common in situations of limited or no knowledge managerial skills. ii. Basing on the work as the main focus, knowledge management has demonstrated the benefits such as increased contact resolutions; decreased rates of escalations; advanced speed/ rates of performing tasks in terms of time utility; and finally, handling of the significant growths in clients related services and their satisfaction without any corresponding increase in the numbers of workers in that relation. iii. Considering situations where a client may wish to reach the management, effective knowledge management are most ly applicable to enable self-service all channels of choice as may be required by most clients. This practice allows clients to frequently get back to using an organization’s products or services, and consequently giving room for the organization’s workforce to highly concentrate on the high-value matters that require recommendable expertise. Case Analysis Organizations with well stipulated knowledge management systems in place have the characteristics of learning their own organizations with well structured and managed information flows and the general organizational behaviors in the areas of leadership, culture, managing people as assets, and both structures and processes. Having discussed the difficulties experienced in our case scenario, the importance of accessibility to and improved
Friday, January 24, 2020
Irish Immigration 18001880 Essay -- essays papers
Irish Immigration 18001880 INTRODUCTION The history of Ireland "that most distressful nation" is full of drama and tragedy, but one of the most interesting stories is about what happened to the Irish during the mid-nineteenth century and how millions of Irish came to live in America (Purcell 31). Although the high point of the story was the years of the devastating potato famine from 1845 to 1848, historians have pointed out that immigrating from Ireland was becoming more popular before the famine and continued until the turn of the twentieth century. In the one hundred years between the first recording of immigrants in 1820 and the passing of immigration restrictions in 1924, over four and one half million Irish immigrated to the United States. HOW THEY PAID TO COME TO AMERICA Most of the pre-famine immigrants were single men who found jobs as laborers in the North and Northeast (Purcell 32). Although these were low paying jobs, they were still better than what they had in Ireland. Another thing typical of the Irish immigrants in the pre-famine years was something called the chain migration (Purcell 36). The first immigrants found jobs, saved most or all of their money, and sent money or tickets for sailing on the ships to relatives in the old country. By very hard work, immigrants made it possible to pay for their entire family to follow them to America. To save up all of the passage money was very difficult but they worked hard and did it. Many immigrants from other countries also used the chain migration idea, and it is still common for immigrants to use this system. However, the Irish were the first to use chain migration in such a big way. THE LAWS OF IMMIGRATION During the 200 years that this ... in a free land, and a more full appreciation of the life we lead today, as well as a thankfulness to those who, long ago, paved the way. Bibliography: WORKS CITED Anderson, Kelly. Immigration. San Diego: Lucent, 1993. Danilov, Dan. Immigrating to the USA.1st ed. British Columbia: Self-Counsel, 1978. Danilov, Dan. Immigrating to the USA. 5th ed. British Columbia: Self-Counsel, 1989. Gmelch, Sharon. Irish Life and Traditions. Dublin: O'Brien, 1986. Griffin, William. The Irish Americans. Hong Kong: Hugh Lauter Levin, 1998. "Immigrants." November 1993. 10 November 1998 . Long, Robert Emmet.Immigration. Dublin: H. W. Wilson, 1996. Purcell, L. Edward. Immigration. Phoenix: Oryx, 1995. Reimers, David. The Immigrant Experience. New York: Chealsea House Publishers, 1989. Sandler, Martin. Immigrants. New York: Eagle, 1995.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Arthurian and Grail Poetry Essay
In 1871, Swinburne produced a new collection of poems which he entitled â€Å"Songs Before Sunrise†, which echoed a whole generation’s sentiments about Italy’s struggle for freedom. The poet’s stellar piece, â€Å"Hertha†, was yet another offering to the pagan altar upon which he worshipped. Hertha, the goddess of fertility, is written as the speaker of a dramatic monologue that aims to declare her superiority and immortality over the Christian God, a tactic Swinburne used to get the attention of the Victorian audience. He emphasizes, through Hertha, the significance and importance of Mother Nature over God, and provides line after line of physical representations of a â€Å"mother†that gives life and nourishment to her offspring, compared to a God who, in Swinburne’s logic, false and provisional. Also, by centering on the â€Å"body†of Hertha, Swinburne stays true to his established tradition of sensuality and passion. He ends the poem with Hertha saying â€Å"I am man†â€â€completing the ultimate pagan principle of man’s harmony and unity with nature. Swinburne’s most celebrated work, among his legendary pieces, is 1882’s â€Å"Tristram of Lyonesse†. A veritable triumph in the technical sense, the poem was skillfully written to feature long romantic couplets punctuated with a brilliant arrangement of vowel sounds, rhythm, and alliteration. Swinburne exposes his concept of passion masterfully in this tale of lovers who care for nothing else but their love, and would go to any length to keep the fire burning. Often referred to as Swinburne’s ode to the English dramatists, â€Å"Tristram†is, to this day, the most exemplary rendition of the English couplet. IV. Other Literary Accomplishments As much as Swinburne was known as an exceptional poet was his reputation as an excellent critic. From 1868, he managed to produce a number of volumes of literary criticism, with the best contained in Miscellanies and Essays and Studies. In this series, the genius and poetics of Swinburne are satisfyingly revealed and explored. He also published A Study of Shakespeare, in which he expressed his own great technical competencies and proficiencies in the areas of music and rhythm in poetry, by praising the iconic master of story, song, and technical excellence. It is quite apparent that Swinburne had intentionally limited his paganistic and atheistic principles to his poetryâ€â€the literary criticism that bears his name almost always stays firmly on the positive side, with nary a mention of technical or thematic shortcomings of the authors he discusses. With Swinburne’s passing in 1909, the Victorian society of England lost one of its greatest masters in lyric poetry, whose genius and brilliance were quite overflowing that he found it necessary to go against the tide, and stand by the least accepted constructs of society. V. Conclusion The question regarding Swinburne’s religious influences in his poetry has been clearly answered, and has validated the original logic proposed. There are indeed references to Christianity and traditional beliefs in almost all his poetry, which he strategically decided to use to disprove many of the paradigms established by the Church. With his declared propensity to explore the ideals of physical pain and pleasure, sexual passion, and excessive living, through a great deal of wit, sarcasm, and morbidity, the reading audience is left shocked and astonished way beyond their accepted levels. However, it takes one as talented as Swinburne to effectively realize the relationship between two opposing polesâ€â€Christianity and immoralityâ€â€and use the commonalities to create an ideology that is all at once controversial and unacceptable, but also incredible and brilliant. Bibliography Apiryon, T. ‘Algernon Charles Swinburne’, The Hermetic Library, 1995, retrieved 12 July 2008 from http://www. hermetic. com/sabazius/swinburne. htm Bartleby, ‘The Rossettis, William Morries, Swinburne, and Others’. Bartleby. com, retrieved on 12 July 2008 from http://www. bartleby. com/223/0508. html Cymru, Gordd. ‘Arthurian and Grail Poetry’, Celtic Twilight, 2000, retireved 12 July 2008 from http://celtic-twilight. com/camelot/poetry/swinburne/index. htm Representative Poetry Online, ‘Selected Poetry of Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837- 1909), retrieved on 12 July 2008 from http://rpo. library. utoronto. ca/poet/319. html Sawhney, Paramvir, ‘Gestalt Paganism in AC Swinburne’s Hertha’ The Victorian Web, 2006, retrieved on 12 July 2008 from http://victorianweb. org/authors/swinburne/sawhney9. html Thomas, Edward, ‘A Modern Bacchant’, The New York Times, 29 December 1912.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Biography of Stokely Carmichael, Civil Rights Activist
Stokely Carmichael was an important activist in the Civil Rights Movement who attained prominence (and generated enormous controversy) when he issued a call for Black Power during a speech in 1966. The phrase quickly spread, sparking a fierce national debate. Carmichaels words became popular among younger African Americans who were frustrated with the slow pace of progress in the field of civil rights. His magnetic oratory, which would typically contain flashes of passionate anger mixed with playful wit, helped make him nationally famous. Fast Facts: Stokely Carmichael Full Name: Stokely CarmichaelAlso Known As: Kwame TureOccupation: Organizer and civil rights activistBorn: June 29, 1941 in Port-of-Spain, TrinidadDied: November 15, 1998 in Conakry, GuineaKey Accomplishments: Originator of the term Black Power and a leader of the Black Power movement Early Life Stokely Carmichael was born in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, on June 29, 1941. His parents emigrated to New York City when Stokely was two, leaving him in the care of grandparents. The family was eventually reunited when Stokely was 11 and came to live with his parents. The family lived in Harlem and eventually in the Bronx. A gifted student, Carmichael was accepted to the Bronx High School of Science, a prestigious institution where he came into contact with students from diverse backgrounds. He later recalled going to parties with classmates who lived on Park Avenue and feeling uncomfortable in the presence of their maids  given the fact that his own mother worked as a maid. He was offered several scholarships to elite colleges and ultimately chose to attend Howard University in Washington, D.C.. By the time he began college in 1960, he was greatly inspired by the growing Civil Rights Movement. He had seen television reports of sit-ins and other protests in the South and felt a need to get involved. While a student at Howard, he came into contact with members of SNCC, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (popularly known as Snick). Carmichael began participating in SNCC actions, traveling to the South and joining Freedom Riders as they sought to integrate interstate bus travel. Following graduation from Howard in 1964, he began working full-time with SNCC and soon became a traveling organizer in the South. It was a dangerous time. The Freedom Summer project was trying to register black voters across the South, and resistance was fierce. In June 1964 three civil rights workers, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, disappeared in Mississippi. Carmichael and some SNCC associates participated in the search for the missing activists. The bodies of the three murdered activists were eventually found by the FBI in August 1964. Other activists who were personal friends of Carmichael were killed in the following two years. The August 1965 shotgun murder of Jonathan Daniels, a white seminarian who had been working with SNCC in the South, affected Carmichael deeply. Black Power From 1964 to 1966 Carmichael was constantly in motion, helping to register voters and fight against the Jim Crow system of the South. With his quick wit and oratorical skills, Carmichael became a rising star in the movement. He was jailed numerous times, and was known to tell stories about how he and fellow inmates would sing to both pass the time and annoy the guards. He later said his patience for peaceful resistance broke down when, from a hotel room window, he saw police savagely beat civil rights protesters in the street below. In June 1966, James Meredith, who had integrated the University of Mississippi in 1962, began a one-man march across Mississippi. On the second day, he was shot and injured. Many other activists, including Carmichael and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., vowed to finish his march. Marchers began crossing the state, with some joining in and some dropping out. According to a New York Times report, there were usually about 100 marchers at any one time, while volunteers fanned out along the route to register voters. On June 16, 1966, the march reached Greenwood, Mississippi. White residents turned out to heckle and hurl racial slurs, and local police harassed the marchers. When marchers tried to pitch tents to spend the night in a local park, they were arrested. Carmichael was taken to jail, and a photograph of him in handcuffs would appear on the front page of the next mornings New York Times. Carmichael spent five hours in custody before supporters bailed him out. He appeared at a park in Greenwood that night, and spoke to about 600 supporters. The words he used would change the course of the Civil Rights Movement, and the 1960s. With his dynamic delivery, Carmichael called for Black Power. The crowd chanted the words. Reporters covering the march took notice. Up until that point, the marches in the South tended to be portrayed as dignified groups of people singing hymns. Now there seemed to be an angry chant electrifying the crowd. The New York Times reported on how quickly Carmichaels words were adopted: Many marchers and local Negroes were chanting Black power, black power, a cry taught them by Mr. Carmichael at a rally last night when he said, Every courthouse in Mississippi ought to be burned down to get rid of the dirt. But on the courthouse steps, Mr. Carmichael was less angry and said: The only way we can change things in Mississippi is with the ballot. Thats black power. Carmichael gave his first Black Power speech on a Thursday night. Three days later, he appeared, in a suit and tie, on the CBS News program Face the Nation, where he was questioned by prominent political journalists. He challenged his white interviewers, at one point contrasting the American effort to deliver democracy in Vietnam with its apparent failure to do the same in the American South. Over the next few months the concept of Black Power was hotly debated in America. The speech Carmichael gave to hundreds in the park in Mississippi rippled through society, and opinion columns, magazine articles, and television reports sought to explain what it meant and what it said about the direction of the country. Within weeks of his speech to hundreds of marchers in Mississippi, Carmichael was the subject of a lengthy profile in the New York Times. The headline referred to him as Black Power Prophet Stokely Carmichael. Fame and Controversy In May 1967 LIFE magazine published an essay by the noted photographer and journalist Gordon Parks, who had spent four months following Carmichael. The article presented Carmichael to mainstream America as an intelligent activist with a skeptical, though nuanced, view of race relations. At one point Carmichael said to Parks that he was tired of explaining what Black Power meant, as his words kept getting twisted. Parks prodded him and Carmichael responded: For the last time, he said. Black Power means black people coming together to form a political force and either electing representatives or forcing their representatives to speak their needs. Its an economic and physical bloc that can exercise its strength in the black community instead of letting the job go to the Democratic or Republican parties or a white-controlled black man set up as a puppet to represent black people. We pick the brother and make sure he fulfills The article in LIFE may have made Carmichael relatable to mainstream America. But within months, his fiery rhetoric and wide-ranging travels made him an intensely controversial figure. In the summer of 1967, President Lyndon Johnson, alarmed at Carmichaels comments against the Vietnam War, personally instructed the FBI to conduct surveillance on him. In mid-July 1967, Carmichael embarked on what turned into a world tour. In London, he spoke at a Dialectics of Liberation conference, which featured scholars, activists, and even American poet Allen Ginsberg. While in England, Carmichael spoke at various local gatherings, which drew the attention of the British government. There were rumors that he was pressured to leave the country. In late July 1967, Carmichael flew to Havana, Cuba. He had been invited by the government of Fidel Castro. His visit immediately made news, including a report in the New York Times on July 26, 1967 with the headline: Carmichael Is Quoted As Saying Negroes Form Guerrilla Bands. The article quoted Carmichael as saying the deadly riots occurring in Detroit and Newark that summer had used the war tactics of guerrillas. On the same day that the New York Times article appeared, Fidel Castro introduced Carmichael at a speech in Santiago, Cuba. Castro referred to Carmichael as a leading American civil rights activist. The two men became friendly, and in the following days Castro personally drove Carmichael around in a jeep, pointing out landmarks related to battles in the Cuban revolution. Carmichaels time in Cuba was widely denounced in the United States. Following the controversial stay in Cuba, Carmichael planned to visit North Vietnam, the enemy of the United States. He boarded a Cuban airlines plane to fly to Spain, but Cuban intelligence called the flight back when it was tipped off that American authorities were planning to intercept Carmichael in Madrid and lift his passport. The Cuban government put Carmichael on a plane to the Soviet Union, and from there he traveled onward to China and eventually to North Vietnam. In Hanoi, he met with the nations leader, Ho Chi Minh. According to some accounts, Ho told Carmichael of when he lived in Harlem and had heard speeches by Marcus Garvey. At a rally in Hanoi, Carmichael spoke out against American involvement in Vietnam, using a chant he had previously used in America: Hell no, we wont go! Back in America, former allies distanced themselves from Carmichaels rhetoric and foreign connections and politicians spoke of charging him with sedition. In the fall of 1967, Carmichael kept traveling, visiting Algeria, Syria, and the African West African nation of Guinea. He began a relationship with the South African singer Miriam Makeba, whom he would eventually marry. At various stops on his travels he would speak out against Americas role in Vietnam, and denounce what he considered American imperialism. When he arrived back in New York, on December 11, 1967, federal agents, along with a crowd of supporters, were waiting to greet him. U.S. marshals confiscated his passport because he had visited communist countries without authorization. Post-American Life In 1968, Carmichael resumed his role as an activist in America. He published a book, Black Power, with a co-author, and he continued to speak out on his political vision. When Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, Carmichael was in Washington, D.C. He spoke publicly in the following days, saying white America had killed King. His rhetoric was denounced in the press, and political figures accused Carmichael of helping to spur on the riots that followed Kings killing. Later that year, Carmichael became affiliated with the Black Panther Party, and appeared with prominent Panthers at events in California. Wherever he went, controversy seemed to follow. Carmichael had married Miriam Makeba, and they made plans to live in Africa. Carmichael and Makeba left the United States in early 1969 (the federal government had returned his passport after he agreed not to visit banned countries). He would settle permanently in Guinea. During his time living in Africa, Carmichael changed his name to Kwame Ture. He claimed to be a revolutionary, and supported a Pan-African movement, the goal of which was to form African nations into a unified political entity. As Kwame Ture, his political moves were generally frustrated. He was criticized at times for being too friendly with Africa dictators, including Idi Amin. Ture would occasionally visit the United States, giving lectures, appearing in various public forums, and even appearing for an interview on C-Span. After years under surveillance, he had become intensely suspicious of the United States government. When he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the mid-1990s, he said to friends that the CIA may have made him contract it. Kwame Ture, who Americans remembered as Stokely Carmichael, died in Guinea on November 15, 1998. Sources Stokely Carmichael. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 3, Gale, 2004, pp. 305-308. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Glickman, Simon, and David G. Oblender. Carmichael, Stokely 1941–1998. Contemporary Black Biography, edited by David G. Oblender, vol. 26, Gale, 2001, pp. 25-28. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Joseph, Peniel E., Stokely: A Life, Basic Civitas, New York City, 2014.
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